Monday 23 September 2013

How to get back with your ex?

So You Want Your Love Back…
Let’s Get Started!

Click here for your proven step by step guide to get your ex back!


10 Mistakes... Are You Making These?

If you’re determined that your partner is the right one for you, then it’s best to get a
plan together to bring him or her back. The plan isn't difficult nor is it about dirty
mind tricks. Why I suggest you have a plan is because right now you are likely too
scattered to think rationally about your situation.

Feeling emotional, desperate, fearful, lonely, heart-broken and stressed are all
emotions that are playing AGAINST you when you want to get your ex back.

But first, let me ask you some questions. Answer honestly and be mindful whether
you're making some of these mistakes already.

Question #1 -Are you taking it seriously?

If you want your lover back, you need to be committed. You need a plan you can
follow with conviction. If you doubt yourself, if you think you can win them back by
doing what you've always done, you might not see the results you want.

You might be offended about that. How can you NOT be taking it seriously you ask?
Well it's one thing to THINK about doing something, it's another to actually DO it.
If you find yourself hesitating to quit smoking, lose weight or try to curb a bad habit, when
you KNOW it will make your partner happy, then do you really want them back bad enough?

Click here for your proven step by step guide to get your ex back!


Should You Break Up?

If you feel the difference between you are too great or the timing is just not right,
perhaps it’s better to do the undesirable and accept it may be better to move on

Most relationships can be salvaged because the people involved simply lack the
ability to speak in each other's language. Of course you may have trust issues or feel
deeply under-appreciated, but if you're really open with your partner and they feel
there's a chance to fix what appears to be broken, then it's very possible they will be
willing to give the relationship another try.

Not many people realize but there are simple mistakes that should be avoided if you
want your ex back. Of course you're not meant to know what to do, they don't teach
this sort of thing in school after all. However understanding a bit about human nature
goes a long way in trying to persuade your love back.

Click here for your proven step by step guide to get your ex back!

The Secret to Understanding You...

Although it helps to understand what women and men want and need out of a
relationship, it’s important for you to assess where it all went wrong in your own
relationship. Often there are multiple issues being the cause for your relationship
troubles. You need to assess the damage and acknowledge where the problem lies.

Is it a communication problem? Do you find yourself constantly arguing about trivial
matters or problems aroused from misunderstandings?

Or are you simply too different in terms of your life goals and ambitions?

Are there outside forces tearing you apart? Or has your relationship simply turned
stale and lifeless?

Pinpoint the issues and jot them down. Stop yourself from wanting to blame, instead
look at where the miscommunications lie and how things can be improved. Would it
help if you both were honest and upfront about your feelings? Are you willing to
compromise for the sake of the relationship? Is your ex or your partner willing to

Click here for your proven step by step guide to get your ex back!

What Woman Craves...

In contrast to men, women are naturally more in-tune with their emotions and
feelings. They’re better at spotting detail and reading body language. Women, as the
nurturer, tend to want to take care of things. Women feel men are like children, who
need a woman to take care of them.

It’s because women are usually the ones to look after and care for their man, they can
start to feel under-appreciated when their efforts are not acknowledged. While men
are busy trying to be the ‘man’ of the relationship, they fail to appreciate or notice the
little things women do for them.

Once a woman feels she isn’t loved or appreciated anymore, she’ll soon start to look
elsewhere. In the same respect, if she feels the man isn’t providing enough for her
(support, security, love etc), she’ll also feel inclined to look for those things

Men might want to say women are confusing and because their actions doesn't
always make sense, some may even call women evil.

Women are much more emotion-driven than men. This can certainly make their
reasoning and actions seem rather spontaneous and difficult. Women also have a wild
side that likes to be entertained. They love surprises, challenges and adventures. They
would rather not plan everything merculously before actually doing it... eg going out
for dinner.

Click here for your proven step by step guide to get your ex back!


In the heart of all women, they dream of their knight to swept them off their feet and
take them away from predictability of life. All that means is they want their man to be
spontaneous, romantic and take action without needing to be asked.

Women also tend to notice the details. They care more for small sweet gestures on a
regular basis than grand gestures that happen in a blue moon. They love to be hugged,
kissed and flirted with everyday if possible.

Are they too much work? They don't need to be but if men mistakenly feel once they
have done all the hard work of getting the woman, he can slowly stop trying
anymore. The truth is, the courting process should never end. Not for a woman at
least. If you want her heart, you need to constantly woo and date your woman.

Sex also means different things to a woman. Women associate a lot of love and
emotions towards sex. Whether they want to or not, women will always become
attached to whomever they share the bed with.

The problem with women can be equally said about men. They fail to think men are
men and therefore communicate as if they are a woman. Men does exactly the same
thing, and because of this, a lot of conflict, confusion and misunderstanding will

The best way to communicate is to keep in mind that they DO think differently. Pay
more attention to the details. What women say is rarely what they truly mean, this
will be a hard one to crack but if you play emotional detective, you'll be able to sense
what she truly is thinking from her body language and her actions.

Click here for your proven step by step guide to get your ex back!