Friday 14 June 2013

What Men Desire..

Although men and women aren’t much different in the sense that we all want to be
loved and appreciated by our partners, conflict is most evident in the way men and
women choose to communicate with one another in a relationship.

The truth is the male brain is actually extremely different to the female brain, and the
more you understand how men think, the more success you will have with
communicating with them.

In the prehistoric times men assumed the role of hunter. As a result they developed a
brain better suited for assessing situation, calculating speed, tracking and mapping…
in other words the logical side of the brain. This can definitely explain why modern
men take better to video games, sports, golf and other more technical activities such
as using computers.

Of course this doesn’t mean to say all men are into these things but as a general rule,
these are the things their brains are more wired to do.

It’s also why most men need to feel like the masculine heroine in the relationship.
They want to feel needed and admired. They want to be the protector in the
relationship. At the same time women also buy into this stereotype that their man
SHOULD be the provider.

Too often the ideal male image can poison a relationship. When women find their
partner not quite living up to their ideal, they only end up blaming, nagging, judging
and nitpicking at everything the man is doing WRONG. This will only make the man
feel resentful, bitter and undervalued.

Once they feel they’re lower than the role they believe they should play in a
relationship, they will leave that relationship for someone who WILL appreciate and
admire them.

Click here for your proven step by step guide to get your ex back!


Men also need their space and 'quiet' time. Unlike women, men like to chill out and in
a sense, go into meditative-mode after a hard day's work. This is why men, after
coming home from work, would rather relax in front of the tv, read the news or
browse the internet. Women on the other hand, would much rather talk about their
day as a way to unwind.

Women also tend to think their man should just 'know' what is on their mind. These
women will be coy, indirect or drop hints in the hopes their man will just 'get it'. Then
when their man doesn't get it, the woman becomes grumpy and upset instead. If you
find yourself doing this, do yourself and your man a favour and be direct and open
about what it is on your mind instead.

Being too needy, available and dependent on your man will only make him feel
trapped. If a man feels trapped, he will build a feeling of resentment for the woman.
Trivial issues get blown out of proportion and eventually the man will be criticising
the woman's every move as being too controlling.

A man isn't attracted to a woman because she doesn't have a life outside of him, he's
attracted to a woman who is independent, self-respected and has the ability to speak
her mind.

Understanding men is key to getting what you want out of them. If you have lost the
ability to communicate efficiently with your man, keep in mind the things they most
desire from the relationship and work on bringing that out in you.

Click here for your proven step by step guide to get your ex back!



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